If you’re looking for a perennial flower, annual flower varieties are a great choice. Not only do they last throughout the summer months, but they’re also very easy to grow, making them a great choice for a variety of landscape designs. There are many types of annual flowers to choose from, and you can enjoy the blooms for hours on end. If you’re unsure of which annual flowers are best for your yard, here are a few suggestions.
African marigolds and foxgloves are two popular annual flower varieties. These flowers have spoon-shaped petals and look like roses. You can find them in a variety of colors, and they can be planted anywhere in the yard. They are perennials in most climate zones, but are only annuals in colder areas. These flowers grow up to 2 feet tall and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. Balsam is a similar annual flower, but it is not quite as large as roses.

Cleomes: Another perennial annual flower variety, cleomes have rounded petals and a unique flower. They tend to grow upright, with dark leaves. They’re a dramatic show-stopper that’s great for containers, patios, and rock gardens. Their fragrant blooms make them a great choice for any garden. Though they’re perennials, they don’t need much water to bloom. They’re frost-tender, and they do best in flower boxes, although they also grow well in containers or smaller areas of the garden.
To make planting annuals easier, consider the Prairie Star collection. These annuals have been specifically selected for the hardy prairie climate. If you want your flowers to grow beautifully and require minimal care, consider choosing a member of this collection. The Prairie Star annual collection is known for being one of the most visually appealing collections. Whether you choose perennials or annuals, you’ll have no shortage of beauty. Just be sure to plant them according to the specific requirements of your region.
Another great annual flower is sweet peas. The vines grow to ten feet long, but you can buy dwarf sweet peas if you have a smaller yard. Marigolds are another annual flower that are beautiful and attract pollinators. These flowers are also great for repelling pests and are also useful for adding color to the landscape. Finally, don’t forget African daisies. These flowers are not perennials, but they can add a pop of color to your garden and will be around for years to come.
Sunflowers are among the easiest to grow from seed and will flower all summer long. They are easy to grow from seed and don’t require fall frost killing. When the frost has passed, you can move the plant outdoors for even more blooming. Their bright yellow, sun-loving blooms are sure to delight the bees. These perennials are great for both dry and wet conditions and are great choices for containers and a border.

Another annual flower variety is coleus. This plant is known for its odd shape and is called after Meriwether Lewis. It has small leaves and stems and resembles clover when it’s mature. It is also considered an annual, although it is often grown as a perennial in certain areas. If you have the space and the soil are right, annual phlox can thrive. If you’re looking for a colorful annual flower, you may want to try fuschia.
Impatiens. These gorgeous plants have a silly name, but they’re quite stunning. They’re best grown in containers. Although they’re technically perennials, impatiens are considered annuals in most areas. They can be found in red, white, and pink shades, making them an excellent choice for front yard plantings. Their colorful blooms and vibrant foliage can make a striking contrast with other perennials in your landscape.
Geraniums. These easy-to-care-for annuals are a favorite among gardeners, and can add a splash of color to a seasonal flower bed. Petunias are another popular choice, and come in a variety of colors. Petunias also make great annuals for window boxes and shady yards. And while you might not notice them as much in the summer, you’ll certainly enjoy their vibrant color in your garden.

Dahlias. Dahlias are a perennial flower that grows to about 6 inches tall. Dahlias need four hours of sunshine per day to bloom well, and have a beautiful, unique flower. Dahlias come in red, pink, white, or yellow colors, and they’re very popular with gardeners and homeowners alike. In addition to their stunning color, they’re low-maintenance, and can be a great addition to any garden.